Monday, January 28, 2019

2019 01/28 Radio cage/Dynon knob panel clearance and bezel depth

Bezel depth measured:
Skyview HD Display bezel is .45"
SkyView Knob Panel .16"
PS Engineering Audio panel .6"
Avidyne Nav/Com .7"

PSE tray screw length is .5"  <------Doh!   Might be able to use flush rivets, but probably better to increase the knob panel gap to the radio cage/center stack.
Some trays are 6.3" wide and others are 6.25" wide.  The bezels of the equipment are also different.   Pretty common to see gaps, uneven vertical gaps and bezel's that aren't flush on older panels:

The take away from these measurements is that the bezels won't be flush with each other without careful planning.   The cage can be constructed so the mounting clips allow the trays to slide in and out a little.   The Dynon knob panel will need a spacer to bring them out flush with the Nav/Com or HD Display.

The knob panel bezel will need to be far enough from the radio cage to accommodate .5" tray screws.  This will result in at least a .4" gap between the knob panel and Nav/Com bezels.

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