Friday, April 22, 2022

Update 4/22/2022

 The brake temp sensors are installed and the belly leg gear cover is installed.   The left sensor was reading erroneously and cleared after disconnecting, and checking continuity etc.   Acted like the issue was possibly with the EMS220 port.  They seem to be reading ambient temp correctly.   Once heated, it takes awhile for them to cool.   A little less mass around the probe would be better. 

The coils are reconnected but the right/bottom coil still needs the new 4 connection harness installed, found one alternator bolt hadn't been tightened.  The IP cover is reinstalled.   Still need to rig a canopy switch.

The FAA mailed me the repairman certificate yesterday.   On the back of the card is the Cozy's serial number that the certificate is designated for.

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