Monday, July 13, 2015

Chapter 20 Step 4 7/13/2015

Vacation, work and personal life are making it hard to keep progressing.   But anyway I've been trying.... Some day, I'm going to make fantastic progress.  Unless I get paged at 0430 and...  oh wait....Oshkosh is next week.   Well maybe after that...dang the weather is getting hot.   May have to move into air conditioned comfort to keep working on this.

The winglet was bondoed onto the wing and then flipped over, then I went on vacation.   Then came home and found the foam I'd set the wing on had compressed enough to push down on the winglet and the bondo popped loose.    So started over, set the wing a little higher and also stacked foam under the winglet tip to help steady it there.

I wasn't clear on which bottom winglet went where so emailed and got an answer.  I'll be looking closely at others while in Oshkosh.  There's been a lot of modifications by builders here with blended winglets, smaller lower winglets (or none), full length rudders, extended rudder travel.   One prize winning builder told me in OSH that one thing he'd do differently would be to put a sacrificial piece of oak on the bottom of the winglet.  

I remembered in my piles of parts I had the hidden rudder bell horns (in the photo laying approximately where it will be installed).     With it were several versions of instructions.   The URL on one set of instructions isn't valid anymore.   There's plenty of builder web sites that turn into rabbit holes and I'll spend hours looking at them.   No wonder these "pre-Internet" guys built faster than we do now.  ;-)