I'll start a post to edit/add items to that I'd like to complete during the CI:
Upholstery......(contacted a shop. He wants me do the foam and he'll make the covers.)
Complete wing/strake fairing. Or not. Bolus tape doesn't look to bad. I'd rather fly than sand...
Finish wheel pants. (They're in primer and have some gaps, but see above.)
Touch up paint - nose door and longeron have some chips.
Check baffling cracks. (Good)
Replace alternator belt. - Done
Canopy seal improved.
External access to canopy latch.
Landing/Taxi lights.
Heater control moved/improved. Bowden cable..change to actuator.
Items done:
Moved headset jacks.
Installed TVS diodes on starter solenoid coil and "I" terminal.
Installed 5 Amp charging port to passenger area.
Broke ring gear support attempting to replace ring gear with a broken tooth.
Replace ring gear, install SDS magnets. Made a jig to drill magnet holes.
Things to check on post maintenance flight:
Dynon Software update/operation. Maintenance item list.
Heater operation. Canopy closed circuit.
Dynon (new) radio operation. Headsets.
Best power TAS @ 7500' DA.
Alternator operation (new belt).
SDS (carrier replaced)
Post flight check (
short flight due to GPS issue - transponder doesn't transmit position):
Intermittent GPS signal...4 wire connector intermittent. Removed and hard wired the connection.
Engine start - cranked and gradually opened the throttle.