Flight test after replacing Bowlus tape on the spar/strake gaps with HPVC foam and micro. Also after installing ramps for 3 & 4, removing the 60 degree ramp..
The AP still needs dialed in but seems to work better. I'm starting to get used to the pilot work saving flow of Skyview better but still need more experience.
The VSI graph looks noisy, but it was hot and bumpy.
Heard a Mayday at Bridgeport XBP. A Warrior calling the Mayday landed with the wind, blocked the runway for awhile. No injuries as far as I know. Another reason to go to Mineral Wells for fuel. Chatted with some fire bomber crew members that were grilling at the FBO.
I redid flight test 4 again. The TAS appears to be very close at higher air speeds and is further off at low air speeds.
CHT's with the new ramps has #3 hottest, #4 next, then 2 and 1. Analyzing data, it's appearing the earlier 60 degree ramp was better in several regards than the radiused ramps that should be better at pressure recovery. Looks like if I set the 60 degree ramp further aft on the #3 side, should get more air onto 3.
There was about 1/2 dozen drops of oil in the aft part of the lower cowl. Minor seeps are from two of the top 1/4" case bolts that are holding Adel clamps. I've retorqued these previously, but they're persisting to leak, so I removed one at a time, cleaned out the oil, put some Loctite 290 in the holes. I also found I hadn't put a flat washer under one of the Adel clamps, so added one and retorqued each bolt. There is a little oil gathering around the aft part of the cold air sump. I cleaned the oil off and applied some Loctite 290 to the edge of the gasket. If this doesn't work, I'll remove each bolt, clean and apply Loctite to the holes, then replace the bolts. I follow the torque specs and pattern in the engine manual for these 20 bolts.
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