Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Chapter 01 Description and Introduction

Chapter 1 is two pages long with a detailed description of the capacity, controls, flight characteristics, design and much other information.  Major sections are:

Description: There are 7 paragraphs describing the Cozy IV.

Introduction:  There are 8 paragraphs.

Building Sequence:  Advises that while waiting for parts, or epoxy to cure, other chapters can be worked on.

Building Time:  Estimate is 2500 hours total time.   (This was before the Internet and a bazillion mods that you'll want to implement).

Questions: Suggests resources if you have questions.

Perspective: "If you modify the airplane and then ask us if your modification will work, we cannot give you an answer without conducting the appropriate tests....."

FAA Licensing procedures:  (Note the procedures may change).

One paragraph advises that that the non-completion rate of homebuilt aircraft is 80%. 

Updates/corrections to plans can be found on Marc Zeitlan's site:


Updates to M drawings:

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