Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Chapter 13 Step 11 Nose Door

Top cover is hard shelled with micro and sanded smooth.  Door outline is marked in pencil.  Ignore the mistakes.  :-)
Per plans, the cover would only go to the top of the door.   I'll make a cut there later.

4 Mil plastic (Frost King brand from HD) traced for BID pattern.

A cut list helps quite often.
Glass weighed to determine exact amount of epoxy needed.

Glass wetted between 4 mill plastic.   Flipped over so pattern was on the bottom.  Then rolled the BID and pattern off the former bottom layer of plastic and carried over and placed on the box tape/peel ply on the nose cover.
Hard shelled nose cover on bottom, then box tape, then peel ply, then 3 layers BID, then peel ply on top.
Lay up popped off the box tape.

Box tape removed.   Fein tool is used very delicately to trace the pencil line and cut underneath the hard shell.

Vacuum off, sand and fit the door into the nest.

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