Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Chapter 23 Engine Installation

Update:   Superior has bought back my engine minus the cost of the parts I retained:

Cold Air Sump
Ring Gear (trigger magnets for SDS)

Quotes were requested from several builders.  Two responded very quickly and a third (recommended) didn't respond to emails, web request and phone call went to voice mail.

I've ordered a Titan 370, with roller cam and 9.7:1 compression pistons. 
The necessary parts needed for the build have been shipped to Alabama.  ETA is June.
They'll run the engine for 3 hours using a carb and mags, remove them and then ship the engine to me.   This engine with the carb/mags and stock sump have dynoed at 195 horsepower.  The cold air sump and EI/EFI will likely improve that.

The current ECI cylinders are nickel treated and resist corrosion better than other popular cylinders.
If 100LL availability becomes an issue, the pistons can be replaced with 8.5:1 but likely the prop will need to be repitched due to the loss of power.

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